UNCW Mathematics Department Genealogy

On this page are shown known links between UNCW faculty and their advisors generated from The Mathematics Genealogy Project. The first (short) tree is of current faculty in the Mathematics and Statistics Department. Search for connections to Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Liebniz, Huygens, Mersenne, Euler, Bernoulli, Fourier, Boltzmann, Wheeler, and others. [You might need to use a browser like Chrome.]

Special Files Dr. Herman, Dr. Lugo,
Herman-Lugo svg Tree (Last update: 6/14/2012).

Data File for Short List dept.dot, Images: dept.png, dept.svg, dept.jpg, dept.pdf (Last update: 5/10/2018)

Known UNCW faculty listed in The Mathematics Genealogy Project: (* Former Faculty, ** Computer Science)


A larger tree is shown in these files showing everyone in the above list. Files: genmath.dot, genmath.png, genmath.svg, genmath.jpg (Last update: 6/14/2012)